
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Monday, April 25, 2016

First Periwinkle Flower (Vinca) of 2016

We naturalized a patch of these in the woods along part of the driveway about 15 years ago and they've thrived, spread and flower all summer.

Grandma Letter & Allentown Mayfair ~~ 1993

Grandma's letter included this newspaper clipping of the Mayfair which was held on her street.  She notes her apartment building in the upper right hand corner.  She wrote in the left hand corner "This is held once a year for a week.  The pool, tennis courts & lake are always here, otherwise it's a nice park."

In her letter she writes:

Dear Shelby,

Received your very nice card ~ thanks so much!  I showed it to Ruth & she said "She's a sweetheart".

It is cloudy & overcast this A.M.  Looks like it will snow.

I must go for my laser surgery this morning.  Dr. Jones said I could drive so I'm not worried.

I am sending you a sketch of the annual Mayfair they have, just down the street.  It is held in May ~~ as the name suggests.  It is impossible to get through down there with a car.  They are parked everywhere.

Did your Mom give you your Hummel book back?  How is your needlework coming?

Did you like the peanut butter candy I made?  I think it is good!

Well, not much news here so I'll say take care of yourself & Jack.  Write when you can ~~

Love always,


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Monday, April 4, 2016

Petunia ~~ March 2016

Got the Word Your Tail's A-Draggin' ~~~ 1994

She wrote on the back:

I hope you are home by now & making good progress.  You have to keep at it in order to get your strength back. 

It is so nice outside today & I'm more than sure you have warm days.  You can get some sun & fresh air.