
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Friday, March 24, 2017

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked April 29, 1991

Dear Shelby,

Thanks for the nice letter.  

How is your violet doing?  I bought a miniature violet some years back, at the Philadelphia Flower Show.  It did real well.  They are so dainty.

I know I will enjoy reading the Nancy Reagan book.

Dr. Shore said I have a lot of heart damage & probably will never be just like I was before.  I was doing more things all the time.  Last week, Ruth cleaned & scrubbed my bathroom floor.  This week I tried it.  I was "pooped" when I finished but I took it easy.

I can't wait to see what your Rose of Sharon will be like. What color is it supposed to be?  

Did you go to see the reenactment of the Battle of Sayler's Creek?

Your Mom called yesterday & said you were coming over on Wednesday for a visit.

I sure would like to come down as soon as the doctor will let me drive that far.  I'm fine in the car, it is when I have to walk a lot or carry anything heavy.

The weather here is very nice but is supposed to turn cool & rain all week.

I must go for a hair cut soon.  Donna cut it just after I got home from the hospital but it grows fast.

Well hon, there isn't much news on this end so let me hear from you & take care.

Love always,


Love to Jack!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Here's Hoping That With Care And Rest ... ~~ 1994

Grandma wrote inside:

Wish I could be there with you, but circumstances say otherwise.  I think about you all the time.  

I hope everything is going smoothly.  You will soon be home.

We had 6 more inches of snow yesterday.  That is on top of what is already on the ground.

Tell Jack to take care of himself.  You don't want him sick too!

I'll keep in touch with your Mom as to how you are doing.  Keep your chin up & be good.  

Love always,


She mailed the card but I had left the hospital during its transit and it was returned to her.  She re-sent it and added inside:

Dear Shelby,

This card came back marked "could not locate".  I suppose you had already gone home.