
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Hello Winter Flag ~~ December 2018

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked January 10, 1996

She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

Help ~~ I'm snowed in!  We have about 30" of snow.  I don't know when this letter will be picked up ~~ it will come by pony express, I guess!

All I did yesterday was work on my puzzle & watch the news in Philly.    The roads are restricted to emergency traffic only ~~ $300 fine if caught.  Necessary traffic only.

While I think of it, I am enjoying the puzzles, but the next time you get me one, get an interlocking one.  I am about 2/3 finished with this one.

I received your lovely card and am glad you are getting along so well on the house.

Did you get much snow?  I wanted to get a perm today, but I just told Ruth that I'll probably be running around with pigtails.  No telling when I can get out.  I'm okay for a few days.

When doing a puzzle, I am glued to it.  I can't leave it alone.

It is still snowing since yesterday morning about 6:00 AM.  There is no traffic & no anything around. 

Well hon, I will write more when I can see a paper & get more news.

At least I can fill up on cookies.  There is snow on the ground since before Christmas & all this on top of it.

Write when you can, and take care.

Love to you & Jack,

Love always,


Saturday, January 19, 2019

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked February 3, 1996

She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

Thanks for the nice letters.  You are just hoping for nice weather here -- it is about 10F & snowed all night.  It is supposed to go to about 1F tonight.  I guess I will have to get my fur coat out & wear it to church!  If my car will start!

I showed Becky the pictures you sent & she saw the tub and she just loved it.  That is her favorite kind -- with the claw feet.  

Dr. Jones said my eyesight is excellent.  I told him I read a lot & do needlework and he said keep right on, it won't hurt you a bit.

Ruth had her left eye done on Thursday.  She can hardly believe how much better she can see.

I don't know why Dr. Shore put me on aspirin.  I didn't think to ask.  I will the next time I go.  The nurse called & said my blood work was fine.  They will let me know how the echo-cardiogram turns out when they get the results.  

Yes, Fred is holding his own.  He is amazing.  

I didn't watch the Super Bowl.   I don't care for football.

I am sure you are anxious to move into your house.  I love the picture you sent.

Well, hon, I better get this done & in the mail box so write when you can & be careful on the ice.  

Love to you & Jack.

Love always,


Thursday, January 10, 2019

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked January 30, 1996


She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

Thanks for the pictures - the porch railing really sets it off.  It is lovely.  Just right for a nice set of chairs, etc.

I like the split rail fence also.  Is the enclosed area going to be grassy?  I just love it!

Have you put the tub where it belongs yet?  Do you have to dig a well?

Ruth is having eye surgery on Thursday.

I am sending you a couple of pictures.  The one at Cedar Beach Park is just a couple of blocks down the street.  The dog picture is one taken at the dog show Saturday at Agriculture Hall in the Fairgrounds.  

We had so much rain here on Saturday.  It even beat against the windows.  We still have piles of snow around.

I just finished Sidney Sheldon's "Morning, Noon & Night".  It was good!  

Well, not much nes here so write when you can.  Love to you & Jack.

Love always,
