
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mom Letter ~~ Postmarked April 16, 1982


She wrote:

Hi Honey,

What a crazy week I have had.  Dad bought himself a new truck.  It is really pretty, fully equipped (of course), blue & white.  He (as you can imagine) was like a kid with a new toy.  All week nothing got done, but buying the truck.  We did get to the movies Easter Sunday, went to see "Porky's".  Funny!

I am planning on going up to Grandma's next weekend, if nothing happens.

How are things coming there?  Are you sending out resumes and following up on any information or prospects?  You really don't have much longer.

Did Grandma tell you that Paul is very ill and in the hospital again?

Well Honey, not much news but write when you can and be good.

