
Flower 55

Friday, September 13, 2024

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked September 14, 1981


She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

I just did 2 loads of wash & thought I had better write you before I got too tired, as I have to try & clean up  the yard a bit.  Leaves & twigs everywhere.

Thanks so much for the darling card.  I enjoy your letters so much.  Tess told me about her card & letter.  She was thrilled and just loved the card!

The weather here was almost "frosty" several mornings last week.  Mrs. Haas' heat kicked in.  Today it is nice again.

You wouldn't believe that "old lady" (74) Mrs. Haas.  She was so fiesty & had a smart remark for almost everything I said.  I stayed from Friday the 4th until the 12th.  She had part of her foot removed due to diabetes.  Last year she had the same done to her other foot.  For a couple of days she used a walker.  Then she got so she could shuffle along without it.  I did the cooking & ran the sweeper, scrubbed up the floors & bathroom.

She has two huge chestnut trees & I picked a lot of them & brought them home.  I put some in the freezer.  The only trouble  - lots of them are still in the 1/2 opened burrs.  My fingers were full of them.

I would like to go to the Danbury, CT Fair but since Ruth isn't going I don't really have anyone to go with.  Wish you could go!  I want your mom to come up & go -- it would be a nice break for her.  Weekends are not a good time though -- too crowded.

Start thinking about what you want for Christmas.  I would really like to take advantage of some of the good sales.  

I really wanted to come down for your OctoberFest, but then in only a matter of a few weeks, I would be down again for Christmas!

Well, I really must get this letter in the box, so write when you can.

Love Always,


Love to Katherine.

P.S.  Will you  be needing anything from Vanity Fair for Christmas?  I never know when I may go!

Eastern Box Turtle Laying Eggs ~~ June 2024


Monday, September 2, 2024