
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This Thanksgiving Day Dance Symbolizes Our Appreciation For All Things Good!

Grandma sent me this card in either the late 1970s or early 1980s while I was at college.  She writes inside: 

"I hope you get this before you go home for the holiday!  I hear you are not happy your Mom isn't going to fix a big dinner.  Well, just think, we can make up for it at Xmas.  I've been buying up a few things for cookies.  

I think it is a grand idea, the Library Science.  Are you going to pursue the French?

I just got back from the farmer's market.  I like to get my fruit & veg. from there.  I never pass the Amish stand with the cheese cake that I don't think of you.  Well hon, write when you can.

Your ever loving,  Grandma"

I don't remember the circumstances that lead to my mother not wanting to fix her usual Thanksgiving dinner but I don't remember not having one!  It's good to know someone thinks of me when they see cheese cake!!  Ha ha ... could be worse!  I loved the farmer's market that my grandmother frequented ... it's huge and has a little of everything, not just fruits & veggies.  It always has baked goods, crafts, etc and was/is in a huge building in town. 

And I do love a good Peanuts card! 

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