
Decorated Magenta Christmas Tree

Monday, December 10, 2018

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked December 13, 1988

She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

I thought this was such a cute card I'd use it instead of regular paper.

It is very cold here - down to two degrees this a.m.  Snow predicted for tomorrow.

I finished my sweater and the "Gone With the Wind" picture & am at loose ends.  I have a summer sweater I want to start.

Your Mom said you would be over on Wednesday when I come down.  It will be so good to see you & Jack.

I made a batch of cookie dough yesterday & put it in the freezer.  It is rolled into logs & frozen instead of rolling it and you just slice it.  It is a bland sort of cookie but I am going to melt chocolate & make a sandwich of it.  Should be good.  Your Mom said she is sending me a couple of recipes.  I went from church yesterday & got a few supplies I needed for cookies.  I have such a load of "stuff" - I mean the luggage is taking up so much room, I hope I can get it all in the car, plus all the cookies. 

Yesterday, I addressed cards.  It takes 20 for this floor.  We just slip them under each other's door.

Well hon, I better close now, so write when you can .  Hope to see you soon.

Love Always,


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