
Purple Spinning Frozen Snowflake

Monday, August 5, 2019

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked August 28, 1995

She wrote:

Dear Shelby,

Thanks for the nice card & clipping.

I ordered some rose bushes one time & they also enclosed what looked like a stick & I planted it (along with the roses) & you know the rest!  The one I planted over where I used to live looks like a tree!  It's a shame you can't get some seeds from that double one in the article.  Someone near here has a row of them, one white, one pink, and so on.

Bernie just called me & asked me to come over, as they are having a cookout for Nicole.  He is going to pick me up, along with his mom.

Ruth & I are going over to the Mall tomorrow.  Penney's has a 20% off sale.  There are a couple things I can use.  Place mats, for one!  And a pepper grinder.  Mine doesn't work right.  We want to go to the "Olive Garden" for lunch.

We need rain!  It is so dry the grass is getting brown.

Be sure & let me know when they start building.  Take care & love to Jack.

Love always,



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