
Flower 55

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Grandma Letter ~~ Postmarked July 11, 1995


She wrote: 

Dear Shelby,

Received your nice letter & pictures.  Thanks!

We had a terrible storm last night around midnight.  It seemed as though it was right on top of us.  I was terrified!!  It did a lot of damage.  I'm sure no one slept through it.

Yes, I did get a new exhaust system installed ~~ $174 !!!

We had quite a crowd around here for the 4th.  We sat out front (on our folding beach chairs) in our driveway & watched the fireworks.  It was beautiful.  I never saw so many people walking down to the lake.  They all had blankets & coolers.  The stadium was full also.

Saturday they had band competition.  Bands came from as far away as California.  There was not a parking space any where to be found.  Buses & tractor trailers hauling their instruments were everywhere.

Your pictures turn out so beautiful & clear.  

Ruth & I went to Vanity Fair on Sunday.  I wasn't going to buy anything & of course I spent about $58!  She spent $108.   They had a lot of bargains.

Did you pick any berries yet?  They make good pies.

I had my hair cut yesterday & it is short!

Well hon, write when you have time & love to Jack.

Take care.

Love always,

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